Scientific publications
Selected Scientific Publications from the last 10 years :
Murbach, T.S.; Pasics Sz. I.; Béres, E.; Vértesi, A.; Glávitis, R.; Clewell, A.; Hirka, G.; Endres, J. R.: A comprehensive toxicological safety assessment of an aqueous extract of Polypodium leucotomos, 54th Annual Meeting and ToxExpoTM of the Society of Toxicology, San Diego, USA, March 22-25, 2015.
Hernádi D., Ágh I., Sebestyén I., Vértesi A., Hirka G.: The experiences of suppletory ecotoxicological studies of pesticides revised in the light of EC 1107/2009 Pesticide Regulation, Annual Meeting of Hungarian Society of Toxicology (TOX2015), Harkány, Hungary 2015
Murbach, T. S., Béres, E., Vértesi, A., Glávits, R., Hirka, G., Endres, J.R., Clewell, A.E., Pasics, I.Sz.: A comprehensive toxicological safety assessment of an aqueous extract of Polypodium leucotomos (Fernblock®). Food and Chemical Toxicology 86 (2015) 328-341.
Amy E. Clewell, Erzsébet Béres, Adél Vértesi, Róbert Glávits,
Gábor Hirka, John R. Endres, Timothy S. Murbach, and Ilona Pasics Szakonyiné: A Comprehensive Toxicological Safety Assessment of an Extract of Olea Europaea L. Leaves (Bonolive™). International Journal of Toxicology, 2015 Dec 10. pii: 1091581815619764
A. Clewell, E. Béres, A. Vértesi, R. Glávits, G. Hirka, J. R. Endres, T. Murbach, and I. Pasics: A Comprehensive Toxicological Safety Assessment of an Extract of Olea Europaea L. Leaves (Bonolive™), 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpoTM of the Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, USA, March 13-17, 2016.
T. Marx, R. Glávits, G. Hirka, J. Endres, A. Clewell and I. Pasics: A Toxicological Safety Assessment of an Extract of Morus alba L. Leaves, 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpoTM of the Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, USA, March 13-17, 2016.
J.R. Endres, N. Deshmukh, R. Glávits, G. Hirka, A. Clewell, T. Marx, and I. Pasics: A Comprehensive Toxicological Safety Assessment of the Purine Alkaloid Theacrine, 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpoTM of the Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, USA, March 13-17, 2016.
Sebestyén I., Monostory K., Hirka G.: A humán és állatorvosi gyógyszerkészítmények környezeti kockázatbecslése – az analitikai mérésekkel járó kihívások az ökotoxikológiai vizsgálatok során, Farmakokinetika és Gyógyszermetabolizmus Szimpózium, Galyatető, Magyarország, 2016. április 6-8.
Vértesi A., Béres E., Sebestyén I., Hirka G.: The experiences of in vivo and in vitro genotoxicological test methods in the light of changing methodological and regulatory requirements, Annual Meeting of Hungarian Society of Toxicology (TOX2016), Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary 2016
Hernádi D., Eitner R., Sebestyén I., Hirka G.: Experiences of Acute, Chronic and Semi-Field Honey Bee Studies and Their Comparisons (TOX2016), Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary 2016
Timothy S. Murbach, Róbert Glávits, John R. Endres, Gábor Hirka, Adél Vértesi, Erzsébet Béres, Ilona Pasics Szakonyiné: A Toxicological Evaluation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a Green Algae. International Journal of Toxicology, January 05, 2018; Volume: 37 issue: 1, pages: 53-62.
Robin A. Reddeman, Róbert Glávits, John R. Endres, Timothy S. Murbach, Gábor Hirka, Adél Vértesi, Erzsébet Béres, and Ilona Pasics Szakonyiné: A Toxicological Assessment of Creatyl-L-Leucine. International Journal of Toxicology, (2018); DOI: 10.1177/1091581817751142
R. Reddeman1, T. Marx, A. Clewell, J., Endres1, E. Béres, A. Vértesi, R. Glávits, G. Hirka, and I.P. Szakonyiné.: A Toxicological Assessment of Hemp Oil (Aerial Parts), 57th Annual Meeting and ToxExpoTM of the Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 11-15, 2018
Kolejanisz R., Sebestyén I., Hirka G.: Experiences Collected During The Method Validation of Reproduction Toxicity Test of Aleochara bilineata (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) Performed According to IOBC Guideline. Annual Meeting of Hungarian Society of Toxicology (TOX2018), Lillafüred, Hungary 2018
Istvan Buda, Peter Budai, Jozsef Lehel and Gábor Hirka: Alternative methods for testing of eye irritation caused by agrochemicals. 18th Annual Congress of EUSAAT, Linz, 23 – 26 September 2018. Abstracts, p. 27.
Murbach, T.S.; Glávits, R.; Endres, J. R., Clewell, A.E., Hirka, G.; Vértesi, A., Béres, E., Pasics Sz. I.: A Toxicological Assessment of Methylliberine, 58th Annual Meeting and ToxExpoTM of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 10-14, 2019
Tennille K. Marx, Robin Reddeman, Amy E. Clewell, John R. Endres, Erzsébet Béres, Adél Vértesi, Róbert Glávits, Gábor Hirka, and Ilona Pasics Szakonyiné: An Assessment of the Genotoxicity and Subchronic Toxicity of a Supercritical Fluid Extract of the Aerial Parts of Hemp. Journal of Toxicology (2018); DOI: 10.1155/2018/8143582
Timothy S. Murbach, Róbert Glávits, John R. Endres, Gábor Hirka, Adél Vértesi, Erzsébet Béres, and Ilona Pasics Szakonyiné: Toxicological Evaluation of a Mixture of Astragalus membranaceus and Panax notoginseng Root Extracts (InnoSlim®). Journal of Toxicology (2019); DOI: 10.1155/2019/5723851
Philip A. Palmer, Jessica A. Bryson, Amy E. Clewell, John R.Endres, Gábor Hirka, Adél Vértesi, Erzsébet Béres, Róbert Glávits, Ilona Pasics Szakonyiné: A comprehensive toxicological safety assessment of an extract of Ageratum conyzoides. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 103: 140-149, April 2019; DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2019.01.027
Anne Thiel; Róbert Glávits; Timothy Murbach; John Endres; Robin Reddeman; Gábor Hirka; Adél Vértesi; Erzsébet Béres; Ilona Szakonyiné: Toxicological evaluations of colostrum ultrafiltrate. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 104():39–49, JUNE 2019; DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2019.02.017
Amy E. Clewell, Róbert Glávits, John R. Endres, Timothy S. Murbach, Gábor Hirka, Adél Vértesi, Erzsébet Béres, Ilona Pasics Szakonyiné: A toxicological assessment of bis (2-carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide) (organic germanium), 58th Annual Meeting and ToxExpoTM of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 10-14, 2019
Reddeman RA, Glávits R., Endres JR., Murbach TS., Hirka G., Vértesi A., Béres E., and Szakonyiné:IP: A Toxicological Evaluation of Germanium Sesquioxide (Organic Germanium). Journal of Toxicology (2020); DOI: 10.1155/2020/6275625
Timothy S. Murbach, Róbert Glávits, John R. Endres, Amy E. Clewell, Gábor Hirka, Adél Vértesi, Erzsébet Béres, and Ilona Pasics Szakonyiné: A Toxicological Evaluation of a fulvic and humic acids preparation. Toxicology Reports (2020);7: 1242-1254.
Preece K.E., Gávits R., Murbach T., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Vértesi A., Béres E., and Szakonyiné I.P.: A toxicological evaluation of monomethylsilanetriol (MMST) stabilized in acacia gum, a novel silicon preparation. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (2020) 117:104782
Nováková J., Vértesi A., Béres E., Petkov S., Niederberger E.K., Van Gaver D., Hirka G., Balázs Z.: Safety assessment of a novel thermostable phytase. Toxicology Report (2020); 8:139-147.
Renkecz T., Scopchanova S., Hirka G., Szakonyiné P.I.: Development and Validation of an LC-MS Method for the Quantification of Cyanate in Rat Plasma and its Application to Toxikokinetic Bioanalysis. Journal of Analytical Toxicology (2020); 45(9); DOI: 10.1093/jat/bkaa163
Preece K.E., Glávits R., Foster J.R., Murbach T., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Vértesi A., Béres E., and Szakonyiné I.P.: A toxicological evaluation of geranylgeraniol. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (2021) 124:104975
Preece K.E., Glávits R., Murbach T., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Vértesi A., and Szakonyiné I.P.: Assessment of toxicological potential of sodium carboxymethyl beta-glucan, a novel beta-glucan. Food and Chemical Toxicology (2021) 152:112226;
Murbach T.S., Glávits R., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Vértesi A., Béres E., Szakonyiné I.P.: A toxicological evaluation of lithium orotate. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 124 (2021) 104973
Murbach T.S., Glávits R., , Maragheh N-M., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Goodman R.E., Lu G., Vértesi A., Béres E., Szakonyiné I.P.: Evaluation of the genotoxic potential of protoporphyrin IX and the safety of a protoporphyrin IX-rich algal biomass. Journal of Applied Toxicology (2022) DOI: 10.1002/jat.4293
Modica V., Glávits R., Murbach T.S., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Vértesi A., Béres E., Szakonyiné I.P.: A toxicological evaluation of 8-28 nm gold nanocrystals. Food and Chemical Toxicology (2022) 161:112844. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.112844
Szente L., Renkecz T., Sirok D., Stáhl J., Hirka G., Puskás I., Sohajda T., and Fenyvesi É.: Comparative bioavailability study following a single dose intravenous and buccal administration of remdesivir in rabbits. International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2022) 620: 121739.
Preece K.E., Glávits R., Murbach T.S., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Vértesi A., Béres E., Szakonyiné I.P.: Safety evaluation of Veillonella atypica FB0054 with genotoxicity and subchronic toxicological studies. Journal of Applied Toxicology (2023) 1-20.
Modica V., Glávits R., Murbach T.S., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Vértesi A., Béres E., Szakonyiné I.P.: Toxicological Evaluation of Protein Powder Derived from Cupriavidus necator. Journal of Applied Toxicology (2023)
Murbach T.S., Glávits R., Jayasena S., Maragheh N.M., Endres J.R., Hirka G., Goodman R.E., Vértesi A., Béres E., Szakonyiné I.P.: Toxicology and digestibility of Chlamydomonas debaryana green algal biomass. Journal of Applied Toxicology (2023)
Clewell A., Glávits R., Endres J.R., Murbach T.S., Báldi P.T., Renkecz T., Hirka G., Vértesi A., Béres E., Szakonyiné I.P.: An evaluation of the genotoxicity and 90-day repeated-dose toxicity of a CBD-rich hemp oil. Journal of Applied Toxicology (2023)
Kolejanisz R., Vértesi A., Ábrahám R., Hirka G.: Investigation of effects of pesticide mixtures on aquatic organisms (Daphnia magna és Chironomus riparius) – Conference of Society of Hungarian Toxicologists (TOX 2023), Sárvár, Hungary 2023
Silma Subah , Nathasha Bogoda , Róbert Glávits , Ruchitha Venkatesh , Timothy S. Murbach e, Kornélia Kolep-Csete: Prenatal developmental toxicity study of an alkaloid-free Ageratum conyzoides extract powder in rats by oral administration. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 117 (2020) 104748